Blanks within the workspace prevent the control flow debugging for ST/FBD

Symptom: If you are using a workspace containing blanks when starting Neuron Power Engineer, the control flow debugging for ST/FBS by using breakpoints (also known as ST/FBD debugging) might not be possible. 

Cause: The perspective Debug – in particular the view Debug – is not providing the elements for tasks and program instances. But you have to select the element for the program instance within this view so that you are able to control the values for the variables of the application.

Workaround: Use a Neuron Power Engineer version ≥ 3.21.0. Starting with this version, ST/FBD debugging is possible even when you are using a workspace containing blanks.

Workaround, if you are using a Neuron Power Engineer version < 3.21.0:

  1. Close Neuron Power Engineer.

  2. When restarting Neuron Power Engineer, enter a workspace without blanks.

  3. Then start to debug again. See: "Debugging application in perspective "Debug"".